EuroCIS 2025: A Day of Innovation and Inspiration for Our Design Team
Reading Time: 1 min.
Features of the fully interactive table:
**Music Experience**: Choose your favorite tracks to test the headsets, linked with a visual screen to enhance the experience and provide better customer information.
**Functional Soundbars**: Paired with a touchscreen to provide an immersive audio-visual experience.
**Illuminated Banners**: Showcasing the iconic Sennheiser brand in a visually stunning way.
Customer feedback has been very positive. A special shoutout to our client for their kind words:
”Working with Eurodisplay has been a real pleasure. They embody the concept of a collaborative partner. Regardless of the request, they think from idea to concept to execution. But what truly sets Eurodisplay apart is their dedication. They always go the extra mile. They’re the kind of team you can trust to tackle any challenge with creativity, dedication, and a genuine desire to see your vision come to life.”
Thanks to the projectteam involved in bringing this project to life.
We look forward to continue our journey with Sennheiser, a path of innovation and excellence.
Dive deeper into our world of retail innovation, design trends, and sustainability practices.